We are building pages of resources that encourage, enlighten, increase understanding, support critical thinking, and strengthen accountability, We will seed pages with a few of our favorite sources of information. We invite you to add your thoughts and suggestions. Write to us at info@thenewcommunity.org and let us know what you recommend and why you like the resource. How did it help you, and what does it offer others? We will send it to a diverse group of reviewers an d consider adding it to these pages.
Books We Love To Read. Books and articles that give us insight can stay with us for a lifetime. Here are a few of our favorites, for different age groups and settings.
Resources to Address Trauma. Websites, measures, articles, definitions, research. What has been useful for you?
Human Rights. It is important to review from time to time what people the world over believe are the most basic human rights. Share in this understanding by reading these resources and adding your own.
Olive trees live, on average, for 500 years. They have been known to live for 1500 years. These trees may well be the direct and near descendants of trees that sheltered Jesus as he prayed for discernment before his arrest.